Cape Cod Bay in Massachusetts is a salt water bay that borders the Atlantic Ocean. On the east shore of this bay is the historic Plymouth Rock.
Hudson Bay is in fact both. Taking into account the inflow of salt water that flows in from the Arctic Ocean (Fax Basin) and fresh water from the rivers that pour into James Bay/ Hudson Bay the ratio of fresh water to salt water is 2:5. Taking into account the fresh water that comes from the thawing of the ice cover on James Bay/Hudson Bay the ratio is 4:5.
No, it will be at the bottom - difference in density.
Apsu was the god of fresh water, and Tiamat was the goddess of salt water.
All four oceans are saltwater come on now. Well, how were we suppose to know? Come on now is a bit rude, I agree with the person for asking the question, it is okay to ask that. I didn't know. I know today that there are four oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. There are fresh water lakes in Alaska, and Arctic the north pole, and Antarctica south pole are salty but their glaciers are fresh water. Salt water is dense but at 1.8 degrees negative c, the salt expels and the frozen water is fresh. the south pole contains 70 percent of the worlds fresh water, and 90 percent of the worlds ice.
The French Riviera (la Côte d'Azur) is on the Mediterranean Sea which like any other sea contains salt water.
Fresh and salt water are very different for one key reason, fresh water doesn't contain salt and salt water obviously does. There are different flora and fauna in fresh and salt water for this reason.
on fresh salt water
Salt water is water that has salt in it and it is found in oceans. Fresh water does not have salt and is found in rivers and lakes.
salt water
Salt water is basically just fresh water with salt mixed in.
Salt water is basically just fresh water with salt mixed in.
Salt water contain salt, fresh water is practically pure.
Peru has both Fresh and Salt water. Salt Water in the ocean and Fresh in lakes, streams, and on the mountains.
Salt water has salt water in it and is bad for you, fresh water has no salt water in it and is good for you.
the difference between salt water and fresh water is that salt water is from the ocean and fresh water is water that hasn't gotten to the ocean and so the water is clean, And you can only drink fresh water not salt water
There are both salt water and fresh water crocs.
No lakes in the world have saltwater and fresh water because if salt water entered a fresh water lake, the fresh water would turn into salt waterRead more: What_lake_has_both_salt_water_and_freshwater