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is a mineral because it derite?

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Q: Is a candle a mineral
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Will mineral oil catch on fire if a lit floating candle is placed on top of the mineral oil?

yes it can

What are the release dates for As the Candle Burns - 1913?

As the Candle Burns - 1913 was released on: USA: March 1913

What are the release dates for The Christmas Candle - 2008 SUSPENDED?

The Christmas Candle - 2008 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 2008

Why does the Schindler's List start out with a candle being snuffed out?

In this context the flame of the candle symbolizes life; the snuffing out symbolizes killing.

Is kaolite a mineral or a rock?

is a mineral

Related questions

Will mineral oil catch on fire if a lit floating candle is placed on top of the mineral oil?

yes it can

Is a candle a mineral or a non-mineral?

Candles are not minerals. They are made from organic compounds. Paraffin (oil), Tallow (beef fat) and bees wax (a natural secretion) among a few other materials.

i am tall when i am young and i am short when i am old what am i?

A candle

What is the name of the candle that is blessed and lit at the beginning of the liturgy?

The candle is called the Paschal candle. It is sometimes referred to as the "Easter candle."

Is a candle illuminated?

A candle can be illuminated usually when you light it... That's the whole point of a candle. A candle can be illuminated usually when you light it... That's the whole point of a candle.

What happens when you get the candle on poptropica?

you have a candle

Where can one obtain a candle mold online?

You can obtain a candle mould online from the following sources: The Candle Making Shop, Candle Wic, eBay, Candles of India, Michaels, Candle Mould, Candle Making, Spirit Crafts.

How do you complete level 85 on 100 Floors?

Use your torch and press the 2nd candle, 1st candle, then 3rd candle. Use your knife and press the 3rd candle then 1st candle. Use your torch and press the 1st candle. Use your knife and press the 1st candle then 2nd candle. See related link for screenshots.

How do you beat level 85 in the 100 Floors?

Use your torch and press the 2nd candle, 1st candle, then 3rd candle. Use your knife and press the 3rd candle then 1st candle. Use your torch and press the 1st candle. Use your knife and press the 1st candle then 2nd candle. See related link below for screenshots.

How do you pass level 85on 100 Floors?

Use your torch and press the 2nd candle, 1st candle, then 3rd candle. Use your knife and press the 3rd candle then 1st candle. Use your torch and press the 1st candle. Use your knife and press the 1st candle then 2nd candle. See related link below for screenshots.

How do you pass level 85 on 100 Floors?

Use your torch and press the 2nd candle, 1st candle, then 3rd candle. Use your knife and press the 3rd candle then 1st candle. Use your torch and press the 1st candle. Use your knife and press the 1st candle then 2nd candle. See related link below for screenshots.

How do you beat level 85 in 100 Floors?

Use your torch and press the 2nd candle, 1st candle, then 3rd candle. Use your knife and press the 3rd candle then 1st candle. Use your torch and press the 1st candle. Use your knife and press the 1st candle then 2nd candle. See related link below for screenshots.