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No it is most certainly not in fact it is rather poor

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8y ago

Toy Story 3 is much better than Toy Story 2 or 1. The first two Toy Story movies sucked.

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I like Toy Story 3 more than Toy Story 2, so in my opinion Toy Story 3 is better.

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hakuna matata

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Q: Is Toy Story 2 or Toy Story 3 better?
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What movie is better Toy Story or Toy Story 2?

They both suck. I prefer Toy Story 3, even though it's a pretty sad movie.

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I have seen toy story 1, 2, and 3 and I don't think you need to watch 1 and 2 to understand 3 but it would probably be better but not necessary

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All of the Toy Story films (: Its Actuly Click :)

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YES the toy soldiers stayed in toy story 1,and 2 and leave in toy story 3

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Yes you can

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Will there be a Toy Story 3 in 2010?

Yes, they are also re-releasing Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in theaters in 3D.

How popular is Toy Story 2?

Out of all Toy story movies toy story 2 is the most fan liked. In precentige about 50% liked it , 30% liked Toy story 1 ,and 20% liked Toy story 3.

When is Toy Story 3 come out on DVD?

"Toy Story 3" has a release date of November 2, 2010 .