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oh my gosh is it terribly addictive i pity the person that gets addicted to this evil evil drug i beg of u not to get addicted its awful awful

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Q: Is Oxycontin addictive
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What is more addictive Oxycontin or nicotine?

cigarettes by far.

Is Oxycontin more addictive than heroin?

No. Oxycontin contains oxycodone where as heroin is diacetylmorphine. Both are opiates.

Can you snort Oxycontin 40mg G 163?

You can, but you shouldn't this pill is extremely addictive. My dumb advice is stay away from it.

How addicting is Oxycontin?

Extremely addictive... more addictive than any other drug. Prescription or otherwise. More pure than Heroin... Do not take unless you have severe to very severe pain.

Is Oxycontin a bad drug?

Yes. Oxycontin is a drug which has a legitimate medical use as a painkiller for people who have some painful medical condition (whether chronic or acute). If it is used for recreational purposes, then it is a bad drug, because it is an addictive narcotic.

How do you get treated for Oxycontin addiction?

First tell your doctor. He or she can help you slowly reduce your dose of Oxycontin. Your doctor may also refer you to a specialist to overcome your addiction. The 12 step programs are an excellent tool to help you recognize, work through and overcome your addictive tendencies.

What is the timetable for taking 15 mg of oxycodone?

Oxycontin is the slow release of Endone. Oxycontin is usually given for its slow release capabilities meaning that over a 12 hour period. No matter what size dosage. But check with you G.P as they will tell you the exact dosage that they would like you to be taking as it is so addictive.

Is oxycotton an addictive?

Oxycontin (or Oxycodone) can be very addictive. Some people can become addicted on their first to second try. Others may not become addicted unless they use it chronically. It usually depends on your personality, situation, tollerence, and how much you use it. More times than not, several uses will cause addiction for this drug, so I recommend not taking it unless you are prescribed to it. If you are prescribed, follow the doctors instructions.

Why is oxycodine so addictive what does it contain that they call it a street drug?

Oxycodone (known also as oxy, oxycontin, roxy, etc.) is an opioid analgesic. Oxycodone acts on opioid receptors, similar to heroin and morphine. Oxycodone is very addictive because of its euphoriant properties, and due to the exceedingly unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that occur after prolonged use.

Is Oxycontin same as Oxycontin?

Sure is!

How many people in the us are addicted to Oxycontin?

it didn't take me long at all. I had neck surgery and I was put on ovycontin and percocet and now I'm dependent on both. When I tried to get off the percocet cold turkey, it was horrible, cold sweats, shaking, basically withdrawal. Not sure how the drs are going to get off them. so basically the answer is highly addictive!

What if you mix Oxycontin with meloxicam?

Do you have a legal prescription? If you go to your doctor, he or she will look at your medical history and decide which medications are safe for you to take. The problem is when people go to many different doctors and the doctors don't know what else you are taking.I don't recommend taking two long acting pain killers together. Oxycontin is very dangerous and very addictive.