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Q: Is New Zealand part of US territory?
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Related questions

Why were New Zealand invloved in the Vietname ar?

Australia, the US, and New Zealand were part of the ANZUS alliance.

What is the differences between new zealand and Hawaii?

Hawaii is part of the US

Is Hawaii in New Zealand?

No, Hawaii is part of the USA. The Hawaiian islands are west of the US in the Pacific and New Zealand is in the south of Hawaii.

How was New Zealand get involved in the Vietnam war?

New Zealand was part of the Australian, New Zealand, US treaty called ANZUS. When we asked Australia and New Zealand to send military forces to South Vietnam they complied.

Which is closer to the US Australia or new zealand?

New Zealand closer to the US.

Why did Australia join Australia New Zealand US?

Part of the ANZUS pact (agreement).

Why did nz become involved in Vietnam?

New Zealand was part of ANZUS (allied with Australia & US).

What country is Somoa in?

There is Samoa, an independent nation. Or there is American Samoa, owned by the US. However, the independent nation of Samoa used to be a territory of New Zealand.

What was Arizona before it became a state of the us?

The land area known as Arizona today was once a part of the Territory of New Mexico, became a part of the Confederate States of America as the Confederate Territory of Arizona and later became Arizona Territory with a new dividing border with New Mexico. Arizona became a US State on 14 February 1912.

What country is St. Thomas in?

St. Thomas is part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, which is a U.S. territory. It is part of the United States, but not a state.

What territory was originally destined to become part of the slave territory of the US?


Why us in a domain name?

"us" as part of a domain name indicates where that website is based; us for the U.S.A., nz for New Zealand, au for Australia, de for Germany (Deutscheland).