6.4 times roughly. Greenland is 2,166,086 sq kilometers and finland is 338,145 sq kilometers
Canada is 1.31 times larger than Australia.
GREENLAND Australia is an island continent. Greenland is one-third its size.
France : 551 600 km2(1) Australia : 7 686 850 km2(1) Australia is 7 686 850 / 551 600 = 13.93 times bigger than France. [(1)Grand Atlas Mondial Gisserot, Putfin M.S. and al.]
Sweden has an area of about 449 000 km2 Poland has an area of about 312 000 km2
almost four times, at Greenland as 2,166,086sq km's (13th largest) and Australia at 7,692,024sq km's (6th largest). FUN FACT Greenland is more than 50 times bigger than Denmark, it's founder.
Australia is larger, but Greenland appears large on flat maps because of the distortion that occurs the closer you get to the poles. Seeing the two on a globe helps to more accurately see their real size.
No, Greenland is more bigger
Greenland is much further from the Equator than Australia.
yes grennland is higher than australia
Yes, Africa is a continent and is a great deal bigger than Greenland, which is merely a very large island.Africa has an area of 30,370,000 square kilometers (11,730,000 square miles) where Greenland has an area of 2,166,086 square kilometers (836,109 square miles).
Greenland has a higher elevation than Australia.
No, Canada is bigger than the continent of Australia.