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Nope. Daffy is a boy.

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Q: Is Daffy Duck a girl
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Is Daffy Duck a boy or girl?

Donald duck is a boy

What country daffy duck?

Daffy Duck is an American .

What is Daffy Duck's weakness?

Daffy Duck has problems with pronouns .

What gender is daffy duck?

Daffy Duck is male.

When was daffy duck made?

daffy duck was made in 1933

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Who is more famous Lady Gaga or Daffy Duck?

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Daffy Duck !

Who is Bugs Bunnys best friend?

Daffy Duck .

Where was daffy duck created?

daffy duck was created in a studio in hollywood!!

What animal if daffy duck?

Daffy Duck is as his name implies - a daft duck that appears in cartoons.

When did Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck happen?

Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck happened in 2000.