They are both very strong, but I would still say Trek by a small margin.
Bob never got discipline.
Patrick Star
i am sorry to say but spongebob is fake.You cant possibly imagine him walking down the street can you? actually i could
umm it's kinda rude to say that, what did he do to you?
Craig le encanta bob esponja
Bob Esponja
esponja (ess-pon-ha)
The character name Squidward does not translate directly. This is a manufactured word by the creators of the show "Spongebob Squarepants" to play on the name Edward. So the name was changed to play off the Spanish translation of Edward: Eduardo. A Squid in Spanish is called "Calamar" so Squidward Tenticles is known as Calamardo Tentáculos in the TV show "Bob Esponja" (Bob Sponge)
"Mein Name ist SpongeBob" - there you go, now you can impress all your German-speaking friends with your SpongeBob knowledge. Just don't expect them to treat you like royalty for it.
Ese es Bob
J'aime Bob l'éponge
Feliz cumpleaños, Bob.
Soy la mamá de Bob, or, Soy la madre de Bob
They are both very strong, but I would still say Trek by a small margin.
One of the people who make Spongebob Squarepants or you can say Spongebob wrote it...
le your mom is large hello stupid your fat le