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Well, in season 1, they never kissed before. Maybe in one of the ending episodes, where they dance with each other LOOKED like they did kiss, but even though it drives the ichigoXkashino fans crazy, they DID NOT kiss. They were just dancing really close to each other. But, hey don't give up on that. On season 2, episode 13, what may be the last episode of this amazing anime(or not!) at the ending, Kashino and Ichigo walk along the snow talking about their feelings, then kashino tries to kiss her. But!!!! Miya and Johnny run away and tries to steal their romance for themselves(Miya+Kashino, Johnny+Ichigo(what they want), Kashino gets pissed pushes them, Ichigo falls in the bushes on top of Kashino and kisses him. Although it did not show that, the sweet spirits were on top of the bushes watching them, and said "awwww". So yes. They DO kiss.

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14y ago
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14y ago

In no one, she tried to kiss him in episode 141 but she could't.

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15y ago

In episode 3. But he kissed her almost in episode 13. And Kisshu is remembering their kiss in episode 39.

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13y ago

... O.o he doesn't get kissed, though Orihime ALMOST kissed him before she left for Hueco Mundo :)

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The end of epidode 3

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Eulalia Mraz

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3y ago
are you sure?

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15y ago

Episode 36 of Tokyo Mew Mew

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15y ago

Almost in episode 241 i believe.

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13y ago

episode 3 they kiss

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14y ago

episode 3

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Q: In which episodes did kisshu kiss ichigo?
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When does kisshu kiss ichigo?

in episode 3 i think

What episode does ichigo accidentally kiss kisshu?

Episode #3 of the first season.

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episode 3. and its not zoey and dren, its ichigo and kisshu. zoey and dren are from mew mew power. mew mew power is americanised. Tokyo mew mew is the original and also has more episodes. and dren/kisshu kissed zoey/ichigo

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yes he did kiss ichigo in episode 36

What is Ichigo to Kisshu?

Ichigo is a protagonist in the manga and anime series Tokyo Mew Mew, and Kisshu is one of the antagonists who is in love with Ichigo. Throughout the series, Kisshu's feelings for Ichigo cause conflict and drive much of the plot.

When did Ichigo fell on Kisshu by mistake?

Ichigo accidentally fell on Kisshu in Episode 23 of the anime "Tokyo Mew Mew."

Did rukia kiss ichigo?

well no but if you watch most of the episodes and do quizzes you can well see that rukia would want to kiss ichigo

What episodes did ichigo kiss a female bird?

10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 or 20

Does kisshu loves ichigo?

Ichigo is far too in love with Aoyama Masaya to notice Kisshu, I think near the end when Kisshu dies though, and she has those flashbacks of all the times Kisshu tried to get Ichigo to love him, she realised how stupid she was for not noticing his feelings ages ago and I think somewhere deep down, she loves Kisshu a tiny bit, but simply because they'd been together for so long, too bad she only realised when she thought he was dead. But even after he freaking saved her life she still ran back to Masaya! So the answer to your question, Yes, Ichigo loves Kisshu a tiny bit and Kisshu loves Ichigo a LOT, haha!

What episode kisshu try to steal ichigo?

I think it was episode 45.

What episode does dren kiss zoey on mew mew power?

In the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, Kisshu (Dren) technically kissed Ichigo (Zoey) in episode 3, but there was a flashback of the kiss in episode 4. ^^

Who does ichigo get with?

if you mean ichigo from Tokyo mew mew then kisshu goes bakc to his planet, ryou goes back t reserch and in the manga ichigo and aoyama get married and go to England and in the episodes they keep going out