The 200th episode 9x14 'life before his eyes'
The title of the episode was "Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part 1."
doggeball episode
he got shot in season 7 and 8 : season 8 ep Episode 3 The Gunk in the Garage season 7 not sure what ep but he is shot
The most recent episode would be season 4 episode 12 Guilty as Charged. He's shot towards the end and the plot line picks up with the next episode Eyes Open.
No. That was created solely for the PTV video
Season 9|Episode 1 And Then There Were Fewer
Normally, you would get a booster shot in your arm.
He's died when Peter shot him in a simulation, he's also disintegrated a future version of himself.
The 100th episode was Lois Kills Stewie. Everyone is shocked that Stewie would try to murder Lois, but she insists that he is evil, and explains what happened; after being shot at and falling overboard, she was rescued by a merman, and became employed at a fat camp and later a diner, where she found a new boyfriend in a white supremacist also visiting the diner, as she had developed amnesia. She eventually regains her memory after being attacked at a supremacist rally, and returns to Quahog. While Lois explains her situation, Stewie escapes, captures and restrains his family when they return home, and shoots Cleveland dead when he visits. Stewie kidnaps Brian and forces him into driving him to the CIA, where he gains access to asupercomputer and takes control of the planet's power grid, thus dominating the world. After Stewie implements numerous draconian laws, Lois becomes angered and prepares to assassinate him. Lois and Stewie engage in a fight at the Oval Office when she arrives; Lois eventually gains the upper hand and prepares to shoot Stewie, but she cannot bring herself to do so, since he is her own child. Stewie takes the opportunity to disarm her and prepare to kill, but is shot dead by Peter. They then start to cry over Stewie's dead body and are devastated. Just before Peter and Lois leave the room, it is revealed that much of what has happened was actually a computer simulation. Brian is upset the whole thing was a "dream sequence", although Stewie argues that a computer simulation is totally different. Stewie then claims that he is not ready to kill Lois....yet.
Yes & No. Versions of Stewie have died on the show.There was an evil version accidentally created by one of Stewie's inventions that had to be killed.Another clone died of natural causes when his cellular makeup started to degrade.There was an alternate version of Stewie created via a transporter that was shot in the head in Vegas.He killed a time travelling version of himself that tried to warn him about blowing up the life guard tower.
Why was antitoxin given instead of a booster shot of tetanus toxoid?
he does not need a booster...they have found that one shot works
All of them except for Candy Quahog Marshmallow & Welcome Back Carter.He appears for a few seconds in a wide exterior shot of the Griffin house waving goodbye as Peter & Lois drive away in The Splendid Source. In the DVD version of the episode, there is a scene with Stewie & Brian.
A Booster raises money for a cause. OR A Booster shot is used to build up immunity to protective levels.
a booster is just an informal name used to refer to the shot that was initially given to your dog a year prior. It can be a distemper or rabies shot or another shot. booster is just your dog needing to be re-vaccinated since most vaccines only last for one year
No. It's your life and you're an adult. Make your own decisions.