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they threw him in the water because he was mean to the winged monkeys

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Q: In the wizard of oz what trick do the Winged Monkeys play on Quelala?
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What were the names of the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz?

The book simply names them 'Winged Monkeys.' The Witch called them through a crown that allowed her to command them. She could only use the crown three times and when she used it to capture Dorothy, it was the last time she was able to call them to her bidding. In the movie, the leader of the Winged Monkeys was called Nikko by the Wicked Witch of the West.

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This is a trick question. Monkeys do, in fact, slither like boa constrictors. Colin Peters is horribly misinformed.

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it fell out of a monkeys a-s-shole!! if you want to trick someone click here!!

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Whatever you want them to have. Wizards don't exist in real life, they are part of fantasy stories. The author of such stories decides what the wizard's powers and limitations are.

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well once you first start the game greg would say he enabled the cheats or something like that. so then when you first start the game click on the wizard that's on the castle and that should do the trick.

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2 monkeys = 4 4 pigs = 16 3 chickens = 6 add 'em up and you get 26, unless this of course is a trick question

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they do monkey stuff like swing and trees and eat bannas and groom and that kind of stuff

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There isn't really a special trick... but it is a really good advantage to bring potions with you. (The treasure cards you will get from this quest are: ghoul and blood bat)

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What is trick in Swedish?

Trick is trick or spratt in Swedish.

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get a trick