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The Dingo is this rough hang out spot; there is always a fight happening.

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Q: In the book the outsiders what is a dingo?
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What is the dingo in The Outsiders?

The Dingo is a resturant.

What is the dingo from outsiders?

It is an Australian Dingo.

What are the ding o and jays in the outsiders?

dingo is a rough hangout place, there is always a fight going on!And jay's is a ....

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Because to society, the Greasers, the main gang of the book, are the Outsiders of the world.

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The meaning of the Outsiders book is belonging, friendship, love, gangs and violence.

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In the book The Outsiders, the slang term for a gun is heater.

4 Who wrote the book The Outsiders?

S.E.Hinton wrote The Outsiders

What is the main city in The Outsiders book?

The city in the Outsiders isn't mentioned in the book. The author was from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Where was Dallas killed in the book the outsiders?

in the book

What is the publication of the book The Outsiders?

The publication date of the book The Outsiders was April 24, 1967. the book was written by S. E. Hinton.

Explain why The Outsiders book is better?

The outsiders book is better because it is like the life for teens now and that there's groups like from the outsiders greasers, socs, etc.