If you were a pirate and received the black spot (literally a piece of paper with a black spot on it was pressed into your hand) it meant that you had been judged by your pirate brethren, found guilty and were due for execution.
It means spirit or ghost.
(right from the book) "gentalman of good fortune" is no more nor less...... common pirate
Assuming you mean "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson, the treasure was put there by Captain Flint and his men. Flint being dead, it belongs to the crew. But, the treasure wasn't their property. It was stolen plunder. With the real owners being unable to trace, it would be considered abandoned property. With the lack of a local authority to accept the forfeit of all or part of the abandoned property (called "escheat"), it belongs to the finder. If you were to find a treasure nowadays, you would have to share it with the state if it is on state land or within three miles of the coast.
A treasure is usually thought of as a collection of very valuable items. A treasure chest might be filled with gold or precious stones for example. To treasure a person is to hold that person as very dear and important. It can but it does not necessarily imply feelings of romantic love.
whats that zoroa on black and white what do you mean
It means spirit or ghost.
To slip out with no one watching
(right from the book) "gentalman of good fortune" is no more nor less...... common pirate
Assuming you mean "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson, the treasure was put there by Captain Flint and his men. Flint being dead, it belongs to the crew. But, the treasure wasn't their property. It was stolen plunder. With the real owners being unable to trace, it would be considered abandoned property. With the lack of a local authority to accept the forfeit of all or part of the abandoned property (called "escheat"), it belongs to the finder. If you were to find a treasure nowadays, you would have to share it with the state if it is on state land or within three miles of the coast.
black widow
whats mean of first impression whats mean of first impression
i don't understand the question ... do you mean "treasure" as in gold and sliver or natural "treasure" ... If it's gold or sliver there are billions of dollars to be made from lost "treasure" you just have to know where to look ... If you mean natural "treasure" there is no price that can be placed on it ...
3 popular questions about mean,median,mode is whats the mean? whats the mode? whats the median? hope this helps
it means treasure