It was a gag in which at the Quahog Science Museum the gang sees a re-creation of the Miracle Worker in binary code in which Helen Keller is shown speaking at the scene where she learns how to talk in binary code indistinctively in the way that she does in the movie.
Either a cutaway or flashback is the type of joke that is commonly used to break up the main story on Family Guy.
From that joke when peter is like this Hey I got an email from Mr.Puterschmidt POW!
It does. It's of course censored on its original FOX airing but typically uncensored on the DVD.
This is somewhat of a loaded question and doesn't really have a specific answer but in general it hasn't has a HUGE impact in the U.S. There have been times where something that has occurred on Family Guy and been latched onto and been discussed by the media. For instance, Sarah Palin decided comment on the joke about a character being the daughter of a former governor of Alaska.
Hmmmm... Well, here's mine: Guy 1: What's that? *points at something in the distance, a bird* Guy 2: That's what she said. Guy 1: Well, I can't tell it's so small. Guy 2: ... That's what she said... Guy 1: Ok please stop. Guy 2: That's what she said. Guy 1: This is stupid. Guy 2: That's what she said... Guy 1: Is this a joke? Guy 2: That's what she said! Guy 1: You're stupid. Guy 2: I wish she didn't say that... :(
Helen almost married a guy named Peter
Doing the Helen Keller is a slang term that refers to closing your eyes and plugging your ears, similar to how Helen Keller experienced the world. It is often used humorously to suggest completely ignoring or avoiding a situation.
Saying they let the FedEx guy add a joke to the show in the opening crawl is a joke in itself. They didn't actually do that.
Either a cutaway or flashback is the type of joke that is commonly used to break up the main story on Family Guy.
Nah qna na na nos blah mahsjx I'm deaf guy
Take It On The Run
The PG13 answer is basically, Chris hobby is masturbating & he uses his clothes to clean up afterwards.
From that joke when peter is like this Hey I got an email from Mr.Puterschmidt POW!
It's all a joke. :-/
"The Thin White Line"
Season 8|Episode 19 "The Splendid Source" aired May 16, 2010
Highly doubt it was first but i heard it on Family Guy: Blue Harvest