Wesley Windham Price replaces Giles as her watcher. Buffy quits the council in the end of season 3, leaving her "watcher-less." In season 5, she demands that Giles be reinstated as her watcher.
That character was played by the late John Ritter.
Angel is the spinoff of buffy the vampire slayer. It is based off Angeles/Angel buffys love from the show. They also bring Cordelia chase over from the show and when buffy the vampire slayer ends Spike will go over to the show Angel as well.
Answerrupert giles & then wesley windom price and then ruport againBuffy quits the council in S3 when Wesley is her watcher, so after that she technically doesn't have a watcher
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Try youku.com or tudou.com. try surfthechannel.com for a list of links.(you will have to search for Buffy there as it's not a only Buffy site) :) good luck.
That character was played by the late John Ritter.
Angel is the spinoff of buffy the vampire slayer. It is based off Angeles/Angel buffys love from the show. They also bring Cordelia chase over from the show and when buffy the vampire slayer ends Spike will go over to the show Angel as well.
Answerrupert giles & then wesley windom price and then ruport againBuffy quits the council in S3 when Wesley is her watcher, so after that she technically doesn't have a watcher
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
no because a watcher trains a slayer to defeat evil like th new poltergise that's on the loos
About 25 mins in during episode 21 of season 2, she gets approached by a watcher at her LA High school
Try youku.com or tudou.com. try surfthechannel.com for a list of links.(you will have to search for Buffy there as it's not a only Buffy site) :) good luck.
Get It From Vampire Slayer E At Darkovia Forest
Reading the Vampire Slayer was created in 2001.
Reading the Vampire Slayer has 288 pages.
With the next release there will be a vampire slayer class
Oz - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - was created in 1997.