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Q: If the NBC peacock molted how many feathers would it lose?
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Why does a peacock lose it feathers prematurely?

Insufficient diet and prolonged exposure to heat are often the cause of the premature dropping of the feathers of the peacock's colorful display of their magnificent feathers.

What would happen if the Indian peacock became extinct?

Peacocks are highly sought after for the religious purposes their feathers are used for. They are also being killed by pesticides. If caught killing a peacock, many charges include death according to sources, but not selling its feathers. Catching a peacock is easy as well, since they are flightless birds If completely killed, the world would lose a brilliantly beautiful bird. These religions that so prize these peacocks would lose an iconic figure.

Why would a canary lose feathers around his neck?

Why would a canary lose the feathers around his neck?

Why do chickens lose feathers at the base of their backs?

because that's where theres lose feathers and because they have to make there nest out of those feathers and that's where there eggs come out from

Why do chickens lose feathers on their backside besides molting?

Stronger chickens will often attack weak chickens by pecking out their feathers, particularly on the rear because that's the end that's facing the stronger chicken when the weaker one tries to run away. The hens lose feathers on their backs because the roosters are too aggressive. Hens need be bred les than once a day to make teir eggs fertile. When there are too many roosters, the hens will be overbred causing their feathers to be pulled/worn off their backs and necks. The ideal ratio of roosters to hens is 1 to 12.

Which bird loses feathers?

All birds lose their feathers,so your answer is that all birds do.

Do magpies loose feathers?

Yes. All birds lose feathers in the natural process ofmolting(replacing worn-out feathers with new ones by shedding them and growing new ones). Birds can also lose feathers by near escapes with predators.

When are ducklings mature?

When they lose their fluff and have all feathers.

Why do lovebird lose their feathers?

Birds naturally moult (lose) their feathers as new ones are coming in. They also will moult to regulate their body temperatures as well as seasonally.

Make a sentence with molting?

If a bird is molting, that means it is a season where they lose some of their feathers (to be replaced by new feathers)

How many times do birds lose their feathers?

5x a month

When do baby theropod dinosaurs lose their feathers?

They probably didn't. Those with feathers probably retained them into adulthood, and at least one very large theropod is known to have sported feathers.