

Best Answer

try using rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover hope it helps good luck hope it helps!

ANS 2 -The screen is the most delicate part of your phone. Rubbing ANYTHING on it may damage it totally!.

-Take it to a phone repair shop for their advice.

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Q: How to get dried nail glue off phone screen?
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What is the extent of the germinal matrix of the nail?

The extent of the germinal matrix of the nail, lies beneath the nail fold, extends beneath the nail root and generates nail tissue.

What are the release dates for Nail Files - 2011 Parties at the Painted Nail 1-7?

Nail Files - 2011 Parties at the Painted Nail 1-7 was released on: USA: 2 August 2011

What mineral is found in a nail file?

well, every mineral you can imagine is in a nail file. Also there is 4,320 types of rock in just one nail file!

What was the color of Monica's nail polish that she was wearing when she lost a nail in the lasagna?

She lost a fake blue nail. P.S: Love that show! She actually lost a fake blue nail in the quiches. In a different episode (I think the 2nd or 3rd) Rachel loses her engagement ring in the lasagna.

How do you get rid of Indian minors?

Killer paper darts Indian Minors are pests and kill our native birds and destroy their habitats. These things are really ANNOYING and always come into my house and poo everywhere. So this is how i get rid of them: 1) A metre long electrical pipe. 2) A4 size paper and roll into a cone making sure that the nail can fit at the smaller end of the cone. Use tape or glue to stick the paper together (tape will help make the paper stronger and less likely to fall apart) 3) You need to find a nail at least 4-5 cm long. Make sure its sharp at the end or you can sharpen it with a bench grinder. Put some glue on the nail and chuck it in the paper cone until it comes out the end. 4) The nail will move around and can come out so what you need is some ordinary sewing string and tie around the end of the paper cone around the nail tightly to keep the nail in place. Add some more tape around the string to stop the string coming loose. 5) Put paper cone into pipe until the cone cannot fit. Get a pen and draw around the cone and then cut with scissors so that the cone can perfectly fit into the pipe. 6) You should now be able to blow easily into the pipe with the cone dart and aim reasonable well hitting objects at dangerous speeds. These darts are definitely able to kill Indian minor birds.

Related questions

How do you remove nail glue from your touch screen?

Don't even try ! -That screen is the most delicate part of your phone and can easily be ruined by poking, scratching, or rubbing stuff like nail polish remover on it. - Take it to a phone repair shop for help.

What dissolves dried Elmer's glue effectively?

Acetone or nail polish remover can effectively dissolve dried Elmer's glue.

How do you get super glue off a screen?

Nail Polish remover crazy but it works

How to remove nail glue from a blackberry screen?

The screen of Blackberries and similar are extremely delicate. Any undue stress can damage them beyond repair. I would find a cell phone repair store and ask their advice.

How do you remove dry super glue off plastic once it is dried?

acetone nail varnish remover

Can you put nail polish on your phone screen with out hurting your phone?


How do you remove dried all-purpose glue from clothing?

Name the glue - 'all purpose glue' is far too vague.

Remove super glue from computer screen?

This happened to my MacBook Pro and using this method my screen is clear of ALL super glue (no scratches at all) This is recommended for LCD screens that are covered in glass only (ie. MacBook Pro, Air etc.) What you will need: Nail Polish Remover (must contain acetone) q tips Wet rag milk or bread tag ( or your finger nail) Dip the q tip into the nail polish remover and gently roll the q tip across the super glue on the screen a few times. You want to make sure that its breaking up the super glue. At this point you need to wipe with the wet rag to get the nail polish off the screen. Now you can use your finger nail or a milk or bread tag to chip the super glue off the screen. The super glue should be malleable and easy to break off. DO THIS SLOWLY you don't want to scratch your screen. If it is not coming off easily repeat with Nail Polish remover.

What is the best glue to glue a fake nail back on with?

Nail Glue or Super Glue. If your fake nails came with nail glue use that, if not super glue because it is the same thing. Nail Glue=Super Glue (Just in a different package) -Lizzy (The Cat Lady)

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Fingernail polish off of phone screen?

nail polish remover.

What item to use for cleanning nail glue from cellphone?

Almost anything that you use would damage the phone.