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Lake Ontario has about 1,640 cubic kilometres of water. That would translate to 1,640 trillion tonnes, or 1.64 quadrillion tonnes.

But the surface area is 18,960 That would mean it would have an average depth of about 26m.

Compare that to the total amount of water on Mercury: 1 trillion tonnes (Nature Magazine, 29 Nov, 2012).

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393 cu mi (1,640 km3)

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Q: How much water is in lake Ontario?
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Which great lake is the smallest in length and width?

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Where does lake ontario' s water supply come from?

it comes from lake Ontario. Lake Ontario is the nearest body of water to the city and its Toronto's only source of water. Raw water from the lake is taken and it's pumped through a filtering system which purifies and cleans the water to make it safe and drinkable for the citizens living there. If you live in toronto and use water dailey, your water source is actually lake ontario water. so you are technechly drinking, bathing and showering in Lake Onartio. Every single place in Toronto or any citiy that goes along the shore of Lake ontario that has or produces water comes from the lake. Water fountains, toilets, taps, showerss, pools, ect are all from Lake ontario. The water you use dailey is Lake ontario. Lake Ontario is polluted and dirty but you don't have to worry because its all purifed and safe via filtering systems.

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This might come as quite a surprise to you, but Lake Ontario is water, not land.

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the sky :)

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Lake Ontario is lower. The drop between them is Niagra Falls.

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Toronto is located on the shore of Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes.