Two shillings and sixpence for a one gallon tub of vanilla.
In the US I could get a single scoop cone for .10 and a double for .15. I remember the cost of a half gallon ranging from .39 to .69. It all was very good ice cream.
Swedish people eat approximately 15 liters of ice cream a year.
Bananas, nuts, caramel, ice cream, and anything else you want to put in. One banana, split, strawberry ice cream , strawberry sauce, chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream, pineapple sauce, whipped cream and chopped walnuts , One ice cream scoop, one banana boat. One parfait spoon.
Hmm.. I am going to say yes... but it has to be a different kind of ice cream like, vaccum packed ice cream. If you go to a candy store they might have space ice cream and that ice cream is the real kind they eat in space.
Oh, dude, the slogan of Breyers ice cream is "Goodness Inside." It's like they're trying to tell you there's actually ice cream in those containers, who would've thought, right? So, next time you're digging into a pint of Breyers, just remember, there's goodness inside... like, literally.
It never melts. Willy Wonka made hot ice cream for cold days.
hawaiian ice cream is pretty much snow cone and ice cream is ice cream
A chocolate ice cream price varies with where the ice cream is made, how much it costs to make it, and how warm a day it is.
Ice cream with twice as much fudge as your normal fudge ice cream
in the late 1960s when ice cream smoothies became popular
none cause ice cream has milk sugar ice cream duhhhh
Hot dogs and ice cream! Liver and onions! Meat and potaotes! Salads, and vegetables for snacks!
There is no ice cream on Saturn
1929 ice cream cone price
Your desicion :))
He very much so loves ice cream!
More than 500 pounds of ice cream.