Yes, the 8g Ipod Touch is smaller than the 32g one.
ipod touch 32g for sure
Around $400 in Canadian cost
if you are talking about a case it would depend on what generation the iPod touch is
Yes you can you get get ipod touches in 8g, 32g, and 64g
My answer for that would be an absolute yes! It can do so much and hope that if you get it you will see what i mean. Others might disagree but this is just my opinion. Thanks hope this is helpful!
you can check on eBay
An Ipod touch 32g is a revolutionary device created by Apple. (32g) stands for thirty-two gigabyte hard drive. With larger hardrives you can store more movies, music, games, applications, ect. They are currently selling for $299.
Galaxy S2.
What country
$100-150 It really depends how how many gigabytes it is weather it is 8g, 32g, or 64g. I want to sell my ipod touch 3rd generation 64g. Please let me know if anyone is interested and how much you would be willing to pay. Thank you