The French Franc was discontinued as a currency in 2002, having been replaced by the Euro. The coins were exchangeable at French banks until 17 February 2005, and the banknotes were exchangeable until 17 February 2012, at a fixed rate of 6.55957 France/1 Euro. As of 2014, they are no longer an exchangeable currency.
The currency of India is the rupee, and 10 US dollars is equivalent to about 497 rupees.
about 20 kronor
Fifty usd is 50 dollars in US currency. Fifty usd is a shortened form for fifty US dollars.
About 20 dollars us
The amount is $31.125252
100 centimes = $1
20 us dollars and 40 us dollars.
1.055.072 coins were struck in 1863. Value : about 10 dollars in good condition !
5.4 million dollars
ten dollars
Currently: 20 Philippine Pesos are worth .47 US dollars. 20 Argentine Pesos are worth 4.52 US dollars. 20 Chilean Pesos are worth .04 US dollars 20 Colombian Pesos are worth .01 US dollars 20 Cuban Pesos are worth .75 US dollars. 20 Dominican Pesos are worth .51 US dollars 20 Mexican Pesos are worth 1.51 US dollars
20 dollars
There is no such thing as a "Switzerland dollar". The currency in Switzerland is the Swiss frank (or franc), divided into 100 Rappen (or centimes).
This is 20 Chinese Yuan. As at 11Oct09 20 Yuan was worth 2.92 US Dollars.
432 250 US dollars