The current currency exchange rate has 1 US Dollar being worth 482.75 CFA Francs. While currency exchange rates can change at any time, with this exchange rate 100 US Dollars would be worth 48,275 CFA Francs.
15 Frances is 2 dollars
1 dollar
1 Australian dollar is worth 1.06 NZ dollars.
umm... 100 french francs are worth roughly £10 so 1 french franc= 10p Hope you find this useful Katie x
Do you mean the money currency, or the weight ?
Approximately 463 CFA franc is one US dollar.
A 1923 French Franc is currently worth $1 dollar. The 1923 French Franc is made from aluminum and bronze metals.
The United States Dollar is 1901.7 Ariarys!
The French Guiana monetary unit is the Franc (or Euro) worth 1.22664 of the U.S. dollar
1 US Dollar = 9,150.46 Malagasy Franc
A 1923 French Franc is currently worth $1 dollar. The 1923 French Franc is made from aluminum and bronze metals.
how much is my worth 1934 repvbliqve francaise 2 franc
1 franc.
There is no such thing as a French Franc or a French pound. France uses the Euro.
9350 French Franc (FRF) is not a valid currency as it was replaced by the Euro (EUR) in 2002. If you meant Swiss Franc (CHF), then 9350.00 CHF is approximately equivalent to 10160.00 USD based on current exchange rates.
in franc 50 cents so if you have one you have 50 cents to spend in franc