0.2% personal income but lots by her corporation and time
There is no published amount on how much Ellen DeGeneres gives to charities. Some of her favorite charities include The Gentle Barn and Feeding America.
over 100 million dollars
Enough to make a joke out of it
Forbes magazine reported that Ellen Degeneres earned $70 million in 2013. This divides out to about $1.4 million per week.
Ellen DeGeneres Show tickets are free. Never pay for them. However, although, free they are very difficult to get.
Tickets for the Ellen DeGeneres show are free.
over 100 million dollars
Enough to make a joke out of it
$50 million per year
Forbes magazine reported that Ellen Degeneres earned $70 million in 2013. This divides out to about $1.4 million per week.
Ellen DeGeneres Show tickets are free. Never pay for them. However, although, free they are very difficult to get.
Tickets for the Ellen DeGeneres show are free.
This much <~>
Ellen donated so much of her time and money to charitys across the world, and also Ellen set up a 'Hurricane Katrina' relief fund that raised over 7 million dollars. **** yeah.
$80,000 to her charity of city of hope
If it is a long term charity give something like 2 to 5 dollars a week or just 30 dollars for a short term charity