I worked in a car lot detailing cars for a bit and a couple dealers told me that you can earn around 10% of the car value if you play your cards right, but the average is about 2%-5% from what I hear.
how much?
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He has a contract for 350,000 per season
5000 per episode
200,000 per episode
Most finance managers at a car dealers will make around $35,000 per year. The exact amount will depend upon the experience the person has and the car dealer they are working for.
how much does a car engeneer make per week :they make 92,000-140,000 +/-
As many as you want as long as you have a used car dealers license.
They make on average 200 per car and the average salesman sells about 9 cars per month while a good salesman can get about 17 per month
123456789 hundred dose that answer your Q.
100k per year.
You can sell 2 without a license. Once you sell that 3rd car you need a dealers license.
You can sell 1 car. If you sell that 2nd car you are considered a used car dealer and required to get a used car dealers license.
It depends on the size and make of your car and also the type of brakes you used in your car.
You can sell 3 without needing a dealers license. If you sell that 4th car you re considered a dealer and need a license.
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