He was Six cubits tall, which is 18-22 inches Per cubit. So he was about 10 feet tall, and the average weight for a person 5 feet tall is is about 135, but he was a big dude, so he was probably anywhere from 300-400 pounds.
The bible does not say davids height at all. But he was still a teenager when he killed Goliath..... But remember he only killed Goliath with gods help:) god was the stone that hit Goliath's head
He was much smaller than Goliath, who was 9 feet tall.
Yes, pretty much. "Hyperbole" in language means "inflated or exaggerated." So "Goliath" and "Killer" would be hyperbolic names for a chihuahua.
The Book of Samuel, Chapter 17 of the Old Testament gives the account of Goliath and David (who slew Goliath). Whether David actually killed Goliath when he hit him in the forehead with the stone is not entirely clear although verse 50 says "So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David." That implies that the stone killed him but it's not certain. At any rate after Goliath collapsed, David took Goliath's sword out of it's sheath and cut off Goliath's head. At that point he was definitely dead. In theory someone wielding a sling can get a stone up to sufficient velocity to cause fatal damage when it strikes someone in the head. A sling can be used to fire a projectile at speeds approaching 140 mph. At such high speeds, if the blow didn't kill Goliath, it certainly would have knocked him cold. There is no mention of him putting up any resistance to the much smaller shepherd boy coming up to his prostrate form, taking the sword out of its scabbard, and STANDING ON HIM to cut off his head, so he had to either be dead or at least totally dead to the world (unconscious).
God told David to take up five stones in his name. These stones are in our hands today and they represent prayer, fasting, confession, the bible, and the Eucharist.-----------------------He was confident that he could "slay the giant", yet recognized the possibility that he might miss. He didn't want to carry too many stones, since that would have been difficult to manage in the course of battle, and he didn't want to be arrogant and select only one stone. I'm sure he figured that if he couldn't get the job done with 5 stones, he was in trouble anyway.Jesus and His Jewish followers would disagree that the Bible is about YOU. For example, Jesus rebuked His own Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, who saw the Bible as a moral code book about their behavior. He said, "You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life. " (John 5:30-40). He later said to they were "of their father the devil" (John 8:44). Jesus defined eternal life as "knowing the ONE TRUE GOD" (John 3:17). Those who desire to know God will believe in Jesus' authority and realize that the Bible is God's revelation of Himself through redemptive history climaxing in the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Those who want to find other uses and interpretations of the Bible (and there are many) are free to do so. And on the last day they will be among those to whom Christ says, "I never knew you, depart from me..." (Matthew 7:23). One can either know the one true God through Jesus Christ and the revealed Word about Him. Or one can believe the lie of the garden and live as though we are the center of our universe and interpret the Bible from a man-centered perspective. Personally, I think it wise to ground ones view of Scripture in the authority of Jesus as did His Jewish followers who wrote the New Testament with the person and work of Christ as central to their writings. Frankly, a Bible isn't need if one is simply looking for a moral code, good advice, Jewish history, a metaphysical or spiritual experience, a scholarly exercise, or any other man-centered purpose. There are plenty of other books and sources for these. But if the Bible is how God has revealed Himself to His covenant people through redemptive history, it is the way He provided to know the one TRUE God cognitively, to know the one TRUE God passionately, and to know the one TRUE God relationally through His Son, Jesus Christ. There are many choices of how to view the Bible. But, based on the words of Jesus, viewing David and Goliath as a foreshadowing of the work of Christ and an example of the enmity between the two seeds of Genesis 3:15 fits the theme of redemptive history. And making much of the number five seems like one of many possible diversions that come from reading too much into the text. I'd rather make much of Christ, who said Scripture is about Him.
approximately 25 lbs
the goliath beetle weighs from 80-100 grams
i have know idea
it weighs 100 lb
100 pounds.
540 kg
Giant turtles can weigh anywhere from 500 pounds to over 2,000 pounds, depending on the species.
100000 lbs
250 pounds
120 pounds
Length: 1 - 12.