InuYasha - 167 episodesInuYasha: The Final Act - 26 episodes
There are 26 total episodes in Inuyasha: The Final Act, making up about one standard season.
Check out All 7 seasons are there, absolutely free and in good quality. They also have Inuyasha: The Final Act.
There are 56 volumes of InuYasha and counting.
there will not be a season 8. season 7 includes episodes 147-167
InuYasha - 167 episodesInuYasha: The Final Act - 26 episodes
There are 26 total episodes in Inuyasha: The Final Act, making up about one standard season.
NO! Inuyasha has at least 7 Seasons. (This isn't including Inuyasha: Thr Final Act).
Check out All 7 seasons are there, absolutely free and in good quality. They also have Inuyasha: The Final Act.
There are seven seasons. watch videos at
There are two- 'InuYasha' and 'InuYasha the Final Act'.
2: Inuyasha and Inuyasha- The Final Act.
There are 56 volumes of InuYasha and counting.
167 episodes of InuYasha 26 episodes of InuYasha: Final Act
The anime series Inuyasha has 167 episodes .
56 volumes in inuyasha in total
There are only 6 seasons provided to the US and none has him proposing to her, but the manga shows in the last book it shows them married but it never showed InuYasha proposing to lady Kagome.