Rupees are not atoms or molecules and therefore there is no such thing as a mole of rupees.
Current exchange rates for the Yuan: As of today, 1 yuan = 6.23 Indian rupees. I assume by rupee you mean Indian rupee, but there are also Sri Lankan rupees. As of today, 1 yuan = 15.69 Sri Lankan rupees.
56.47 Indian Rupee
1 USD= 44.3150 INR (Rupees)
The currency of India is the Indian rupee.
1 million in Indian Rupees is 10 lakh rupees.
100 rupee note+10 rupee note+1 rupee coin
1 DH is 8.18 Maurition rupee.
1 Indian Rupee = 10.65 Chilean Pesos
1 rupee
45 rupees is 45/1 of a rupee.
Current exchange rates for the Yuan: As of today, 1 yuan = 6.23 Indian rupees. I assume by rupee you mean Indian rupee, but there are also Sri Lankan rupees. As of today, 1 yuan = 15.69 Sri Lankan rupees.
56.47 Indian Rupee
1 USD= 44.3150 INR (Rupees)
1 Million = 10 Lakh Rupees
As of 30th June 2009: 1 Australian Dollar = 38.88 Indian Rupees 1 Indian Rupee = 0.05 Australain Dollars
How much is 1 baht to a rupees?
1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) is equal to 32.6 Indian Rupees (INR) hence 100 INR will be 3.06 SGD