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On the written exam you can miss no more than 8 out of the 46 questions.

On the behind the wheel, you can miss up to 2-3 on the pre-driving questions and you can miss up to 15 points on the driving test as long as they are not critical errors.

Pre-driving questions include: your hand signals, location of you headlights, blinker, emergency break, hazard lights, etc. Basically know where the functions are of your car.

Critical errors are basically hazardous/dangerous maneuvers or situations, such as: hitting the curb, going up on the curb, entering a crosswalk (failing to make sure there are no pedestrians), running a stop sign or red light.

Just make sure you read the handbook and practice, practice, practice! And don't think too hard about it or you might be jerky and might second-guess yourself. Good luck!

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Four points in a year.

Six points in two years.

Eight points in three years.

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