The human stomach has capacity of about three liters, equal to about 100 ounces. Competitive eaters and those with a sense of adventure have been known to fill their stomachs with much higher volumes.
An average person could commit to memory around 10-15 phone numbers.
The amount of email the average person sends depends on a lot of various factors. If they use email for business, if they use email to keep in touch with family, how many friends they have who also use email, etc. For many people, the number is between 3 and 7.
4.53125 gallons
Oddly enough, there have been no studies on this.
It varies per person, but on average, a person may swallow around 3-5 times per hour during sleep. This can increase if there is snoring or other factors that affect saliva production.
You can have as many ounces as you like in chicken salad. I would say the average is about 10 ounces.
I have heard a serving is 2 ounces on average.
On average, a lemon weighs about 3 to 4 ounces.
I can swallow about 1/2 an ounce at a time. I used a measuring cup.
Contrary to popular belief, it's rare for people to accidentally swallow flies. In the highly unlikely event that a fly is swallowed, it typically doesn't happen often enough to quantify as an average number.
The average fish tank size is around 10-20 gallons, which is equivalent to 1280-2560 ounces.
On average, a medium apple weighs about 6 to 8 ounces.
5 ounces per person, so 500 ounces.
8, and an average large has 12