The distance between the start point and the destination is 727 miles, and will take approximately 11 hours 9 minutes of driving time.
It is 723 miles from Indianapolis, Indiana to Brooklyn, New York.
It is 1,736 miles according to Google Maps.
A flight from Kolkata, India to Indianapolis, Indiana would take about 16 hours and 45 minutes. There is approximately 8,128 miles between the two locations.
32 miles
67 miles
361.67 square miles in Indianapolis, Indiana.
2000 miles
The distance between Indianapolis, Indiana and Fort Wayne, Indiana is 130 miles.
2000 miles
183 miles
It is 213.17 miles from Indianapolis to Richmond, KY.
The distance between Indianapolis, Indiana and Raleigh, NC is 626 miles.
exactly 6497.7 miles
569 miles
533 miles
It is 52.7 miles according to Google Maps.