Every junior high school, high school, and college that plays interscholastic football has their own football field. That would put the number of football fields in America up into the thousands, probably the tens of thousands.
The Titabic was 11 storys tall and as long as 3 football fields.
Baseball is currently the national sport of the United States of America, but Football is thought by many to overtake baseball in the near future.
About 5.5 football field lengths. (Football field length= 160 ft, Titanic length= 882.75 feet [882' 9"])
Football (soccer to Americans).
Chad Ocho-Sinco
88 football fields
25 football fields can fit inside the pentagon
96.78 football fields.
528 American football fields.
3 football fields
22.58 American football fields.
187,475.2 American football fields.
369,600 American football fields.
About 37,813 US NFL football fields.
at mall of America
an aircraft carrier
15 miles = 264 American football fields.