Call the court clerk in your local Superior Court where the action would be taken. The clerk can tell you this criteria or be able to issue a pamphlet that will indicate BASIC answers such as application time limits and fees. Be prepared they may hesitate answering as to not appear to be giving legal advice but this seems to be a basic question. You may also want to ask if there is a website for their office. Sometimes in large jurisdictions, this is a helpful reference.
Please go to: Type in: What is a Universal Will in the State of ____________________. You'll find all your answers there. Good luck Marcy * There is not such a thing as a "universal will" relating to a person dying intestate. The action pertaining to such circumstances is known as state probate succession law. Such laws establish which assets and property are exempted from probate procedure and how any remaining assets and/or property should be distributed after debts and taxes, probate costs, etc, are paid.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
Norwood, NC is approximately 40 miles NW of Hamlet, NC.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
It will take approximately 4-5 days for a letter from NC to reach Vermont.
The length of time for probate vary by county and state to state. But, mostly it depends on the executor as to how efficient they are in doing their duties after the probate process is complete. Find out who the executor (or admnistrator) is and ask them how long it will be before they start distributing the estate. ( You can find out who the executor is by viewing the will at your local Probate Court.)
You can learn about probate estate from various financial planning website. There you can find more information and forms you can fill out to start your probate process.
The purpose of probate is to distribute things. Without it, there is no way to appropriately inherit something.
Yes, probate would be necessary to insure that all debts are taken care of, the title gets properly transferred and that the appropriate state and federal taxes are paid. Consult a probate attorney in NC for specifics. There may be a short version of probate that can be used.
mail from raleigh NC to Plymouth IN takes how long?
A google search for probate law is a good place to start. One good option that I found on the first page of search results is which has a full overview of probate law.
In many cases the court will allow it. You may have to appear before the probate judge to start the process.
There is no time scale but it should be as soon as possible. If Inheritance tax is due, in the UK, interest will start to accrue six months from the date of death
about half an hour
You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate in your jurisdiction.You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate in your jurisdiction.You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate in your jurisdiction.You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate in your jurisdiction.
There are no cities in NC that start with the letter Y. However there are 2 towns in NC - Yadkinville and Yanceyville.