Gunsmoke aired on radio from 1950 to 1961. The television series lasted from 1955 until 1975 and five Made-for-TV Movies appeared between 1987 and 1995.
for 18 years
Gunsmoke - 1955 Run Sheep Run 10-16 was released on: USA: 9 January 1965
Return to Dodge: September 26, 1987 The Last Apache: March 18, 1990 To the Last Man: January 10, 1992 The Long Ride: May 8, 1993 One Man's Justice: February 10, 1994
The duration of Gunsmoke Ranch is 3180.0 seconds.
Gunsmoke: Return To Dodge. 1987
Gunsmoke - 1955 Run Sheep Run 10-16 was released on: USA: 9 January 1965
Return to Dodge: September 26, 1987 The Last Apache: March 18, 1990 To the Last Man: January 10, 1992 The Long Ride: May 8, 1993 One Man's Justice: February 10, 1994
Gunsmoke - 1955 Nowhere to Run 13-18 was released on: USA: 15 January 1968
There is no movie titled Gunsmoke the Long Ride Home. There is Gunsmoke: The Long Ride (1993) (TV). However, there is no character or actor named Lu Ann.
Gunsmoke - 1955 Long Long Trail 7-6 was released on: USA: 4 November 1961
Gunsmoke The Long Ride - 1993 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M Iceland:12
Gunsmoke The Long Ride - 1993 TV was released on: USA: 8 May 1993 Germany: 10 June 1995
Clint Eastwood was never in an episode of Gunsmoke. He was, however, in 216 episodes of Rawhide from 1959 until 1965.
The Bar's name was "the Long Branch".... the bar was run by "Sam".
Miss kitty
he did not play on gunsmoke