Seward is east of Grand Island along I-80 and about 45 minutes west of Lincoln.
It is 1,234 miles according to Google Maps.
The abbreviation NE is used for the state of Nebraska, whose capital is at Lincoln.
The address of the Lincoln Fire Department is: 1801 Q Street, Lincoln, NE 68508
332 miles
Williamsburg, MO
445 miles
It is 82.2 miles according to Google Maps.
405 miles
I live on the south side of Lincoln and it takes about fifty minutes to get to Omaha. It's about 45 miles.
There may be more, but I know of two..Lincoln, NE and Maryville, MO
The capitals are Lincoln, NE Jefferson City, MO Oklahoma City, OK
Jefferson City MO, Lincoln NE, Madison WI, Jackson MS
Seward is east of Grand Island along I-80 and about 45 minutes west of Lincoln.
They are WI (Madison), MO( Jefferson City), MS ( Jackson) and NE (Lincoln)
IIt is 487.12 miiles according to MapQuest