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It's approximately: 2 Kilometers (1.25 miles)

Its length is 1910m

Its width is 70m

STARTS: Place de la Concorde

ENDS: Place Charles de Gaulle.

+++++ The Champs-Elysees is in France! +++++

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13y ago
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11y ago

The distance going by foot between Notre Dame and the Eiffel tower is 4.4 km (2.7 miles). Just a few minutes if you catch the RER C at St Michel. The distance as the crow flies is 4.0 km or 2,27 miles.

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15y ago

From the Town hall in the center of Boulogne Billancourt to the Eiffel tower, the distance is 5 kilometers.

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15y ago

the Eiffel tower is 2 kilometres away from the Arc de Triomphe (up the Champs Elysées) and just a little more in its farthest part.

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7y ago

2.7 Kms via Rue Maubeuge

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Q: How far is Notre Dame from the Eiffel Tower?
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