It's approximately: 2 Kilometers (1.25 miles)
Its length is 1910m
Its width is 70m
STARTS: Place de la Concorde
ENDS: Place Charles de Gaulle.
+++++ The Champs-Elysees is in France! +++++
There are far too many to name here. Most bookstores have any number of excellent guidebooks, including Frommer, Rick Steves (see link), Lonely Planet, Insight Guides, Discovery, and so on. They usually run to several hundred pages so you can see why you have asked a very broad question. Versailles PalaceLourdesPont du GardLascaux cavesMont-Saint-MichelDisneyland Paris and Parc AsterixThese two theme parks are the most popular to be found in France.Monet's garden at GivernyAs for what are the most visited sites, see the "Main tourist attractions" link below
the Hard Rock Cafe is located 14 boulevard Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower is Quai Branly. The distance by road is 4,456m - around 8 minutes by car in normal traffic conditions, or about 40 minutes walk.
6, as far as I know.
go past hearthome city and go to the far east and there should be the crumbling tower
The current rates (age 25+ / age 12-24 / age 4-11 and disabled) are: Stairs (as far as the 2nd level) €5.00 / €3.50 / €3.00 Lift (as far as the 2nd level) €8.50 / €7.00 / €4.00 Lift (to the top) €14.00 / €12.50 / €9.50 (€1 = approx. £0.80 as of January 2013)
Notre-Dame to the Louvre is a pleasant stroll. You could walk to the Eiffel Tower from there, but it's about 2 miles. Plenty to see on the way, though. The whole walk would make a good day's sightseeing.
The Eiffel tower is located IN Paris, on the right bank of the Seine river.
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is generally considered to be more popular than the Statue of Liberty in terms of visitor numbers. The Eiffel Tower attracts around 7 million visitors annually, while the Statue of Liberty in New York City sees around 4.5 million visitors each year. Additionally, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world and is a symbol of France, contributing to its widespread popularity.
There is the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. There is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. There is Big Ben in London, UK. There is the Berlin Wall in Berlin, Germany. There is the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. There are many landmarks in Europe, these are just a few, famous examples.
a long way
15 metres
two feet
28 miles
the Eiffel tower is 932 km away (by road) from the town of Nice. that's a driving time of 8H30.
the road distance between La Défense and the Eiffel tower is 7 km.