About 202 miles, and about 3 hours
It is 61.1 miles from Evansville, Indiana to Jasper, Indiana.
It is 77.4 miles from Sullivan, Indiana to French Lick, Indiana.
12098.6 miles
22.19 miles it would take about 24 minutes by car
Roughly 120 miles.
155 miles taking I-80/I-90 OHIO TURNPIKE/INDIANA TOLL ROAD - WEST.
About 202 miles, and about 3 hours
It is 238 milles according to Google Maps.
It is 101 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 569 kilometers according to Google Maps.
elkhart indiana, same factory as selmers I would say it depends on when it was made. Early Blessings were probably made at Elkhart, but more recent ones were probably made in the far east with the Blessing name added. An overview of the Blessing history can be seen at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._K._Blessing
How far is it from Columbus Ohio to Canton Ohio
Going from east to west:Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.These states are too far west: North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska (Great Plains states).These states are too far south: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia (Ohio Valley states).These states are too far east: Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia.Missouri and Kansas are also too far south.
Built between 1811 and 1837, the National Road (Cumberland Road) connected the Potomac and Ohio valleys. It crossed the Ohio River in Wheeling, then in Virginia. The road began in Cumberland, Maryland, went west through southwestern Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, and Indiana, as far as Vandalia, Illinois.This was only about 50 miles from the present site of St. Louis, Missouri on far (west) side of the Mississippi River.