If you were to get a broken leg on the Oregon Trail you would have someone lie you down on a hard surface. Then they would take the leg and pull it as hard as they could trying to put it back in place. Then once they thought that it was it the right place they would put a board next to your leg and tie a string around and around so that you could not move that leg. After that you would hope for the best.
Well, honey, on the Oregon Trail, you better hope you have a strong stomach and a steady hand because you're gonna have to set that bone yourself. Find a sturdy stick, some cloth to make a splint, and pray you don't get an infection. And if all else fails, just hope you have a good wagon to ride in because that leg ain't gonna heal overnight.
If you have broken your leg in the 1800's, take a piece of wood or something solid and put it under your leg. Take indian leather and wrap it around the leg and wood. Chill cold rocks in a river and set them over the leather. Leave rocks on leg for 20-30 minutes. Leave homemade ''cast" on for 8 weeks or until healed. Rest and do not work.
The pioneers would make a safe place for the victim and make sure there were no other injuries. Next they would splint the leg and make it lay flat. Also, they would hold the patient down, then pull the broken bone back into place to the best of their ability. When it felt about right, they would splint with two pieces of wood or a branch and hope for the best.
no, just injured w/ a broken leg and bruises
It's hiccup and he lost his leg from the fire he fell into before Toothless was able to save him and its said that the leg he lost completes sort of a metaphor that both Toothless and Hiccup are "broken" and rely on eachother
The length of time you need to wear a leg brace all depends on what your doctor told you. Regardless of what your doctor says, I'm assuming they'd be pretty amazed that you're still existing after having broken your leg in the 1800s, seeing as it was over a century ago.
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It hurts. You can't bear weight on the leg. You cannot walk - your broken leg will trail behind you. The biggest indicator however, is that you cannot bear weight on leg that is broken. There are a number of other allied symptoms depending on how bad the break is and where it's located - which will probably be obvious to you.
No, I do not have a broken leg, i had a broken arm but not a broken leg
He may of suffered because it was an infected broken leg he died from and there was no medicine to treat him
The hypothesis of a broken leg is that you fractured your leg.
the bone connected to the breast plate by the neck
Broken Leg was created in 2009.
broken leg broken=rota leg =pierna
You cannot pilot a plane with a broken leg, because you have to press the rudder peddals, but yes, you can fly on a plane with a broken leg.
Lisa Cimorelli had a broken leg when she was 3
The medical cost for a broken leg can run as high as $1,000. A broken leg can take six to eight weeks to fully heal.
In Europe: 1) Saw it off. 2) Wound is infected. 3) You get something like gangrene. 4) You die.