Bill-It's an honor just to write to you. My question is this. Prior to the last election I read Obama Nation. I am done with Amatuer and others. With so much information like these books and the many more that you have promoted give us, and as you know thay are fact checked just like your books, why doesn't the Republican party, spend some of those media millions and take out full pages in say, 12 major papers each week, and tell the masses just enough of this information to "wet their whistle", and hopefully interest them to read them. And, with full pages they could really dish out alot of great points. I do not understand why there is not much emphasis on the real Obama, that only a very small percent of the voters know about. If the majority of the voters knew these facts, it would be a land slide for the other party, no matter whose running.
Sorry for the length, please edit as you see fit.
Thank you so very much,
Scott Hurowitz
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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send all correspondence to: Bill Maher Real Time with Bill Maher CBS Studios 7800 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036-211
his email is If you wish that your comment be on his show you must put your name and town if you wish to opine. Include your full name/city state
How Rich Is Bill Oreilly from Teh Oreilly Factor
No. Bill O'Reilly is married.
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Maureen mcphimy
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yes and no it could be a phone call or email