Apache is not one language but a group of related dialects, which are all closely related to Navajo.
In Jicarilla, the word for wolf is bai-e-tso, while black is dihl-i-li.
In other Apache dialects wolf is ban-chu and black is dihl-kih.
In Navajo the words are mai-i-tso and dilh-kih.
there are many bands of Apache Indians, and their language verries from group to group. I suggest that you pick one band, such as Lipan Apache and Google it for an answer to your question.
How do you say perfect in apache
Is Apache a lenguage?
Apache is not the name of a language but a wide range of related languages. One Apache word for thunder is idandi; in Jicarilla Apache it is idihlni; in Navajo it is ini.
there are many bands of Apache Indians, and their language verries from group to group. I suggest that you pick one band, such as Lipan Apache and Google it for an answer to your question.
Nantan Lupan was the male name meaning grey wolf used by Apaches around the 19th century.
In Western Apache, " wolf " is translated as " ba'cho ". I never heard that word. My dog was named "muhdizgleet" which meant "wolf's fart" ... so wolf is "muh"...period!
How do you say you’re welcome in Apache
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How do you say perfect in apache
Is Apache a lenguage?
In Apache, the word for survivor is "gozhqq."
How do you say you’re welcome in Apache
The Apache word for strength is "bi'aah."
In Western Apache, you can say "Yaa'at'ééh jini" which means Happy Birthday.
The Black Wolf was created in 1979.