ᏩᏯ (Pronounced as either: waya or wahya, sometimes as wahaya.
all the 'a's make the 'o' sound in hot.)
Also see related links for Cherokee lessons.
I am a traditional Mohawk woman. The Mohawk word for Wolf is okwaho The k is pronounce as a g.
Say peace in mohawk language
I want you
Kashatstenhsera = Strength. :D
A Mohawk speaker would not say that since he would know that bears are incapable of grinning (they do not have the necessary facial muscles).The Mohawk word for a bear is ohkwari'. "He is smiling" is royéshuhe' so the theoretical translation is *ohkwari' royéshuhe'.
A historic Mohawk word meaning great, big or large is quane or kewanea. These were recorded in 1634 - 1635 in a list entitled "The Language of the Maquas". A slightly later list gives the word as kawanna. These are probably all the same word, heard slightly differently by people unfamiliar with the language.
The Mohawk word for Wolf is okwaho. The k is pronounce as a g. The Mohawk word for female is otsikwaw. Mohawk is an Iroquoian language spoken by around 3,000 people of the Mohawk nation.
Say peace in mohawk language
The Mohawk word for food is kakhwa
How do you say I miss you
I want you
In Mohawk or proper Kanienkeh lannguage wolf is Okwaho.
Kashatstenhsera = Strength
Father = 'niha
Kashatstenhsera = Strength. :D
It means "wolf" in Mohawk
Well, honey, in Mohawk, you say "onΓ³n:wat." So next time you want to compliment someone, just toss that word out there and watch them blush. Beauty is universal, after all, even if the language isn't.