on the xbox it is x and a at the same times but i dont know what system you have
go on playstation store and write in search skate 3
Skate 3 comes out May 11, 2010 for U.S. The demo is out now and was out on April 15.
R1 or R2
It is not available on the PlayStation Store.
not necessarily.
on the xbox it is x and a at the same times but i dont know what system you have
i heard you hold x and sqaure and then release them to do a hippie jump
by going down hill while car coming at u n from there u hippy jump
no only in the ea skate games
you jump.
Press "A" and "X" (or square and x on the ps3 i think) and release to jump. If you hold down "A" and "X" longer your player will jump higher EDIT FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS ACTUALLY PLAYED SKATE 2: ^Wrong, that's a hippy jump... A hippy flip is when you do a kick flip, and you go over a rail and your board goes under it. It requires extremely precise timing.
The roller skate jump bar gives the skates KING PINS extra stability and keeps them from seperating upon landing .
You have to JUMP the spider after the 3 blue blocks.
you have to try to jump of the skate board or if your falling off fall on your back side
Too jump higher
44.5 inches
how do you do a tailhawk in skate 3