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Well if you saw house.of Anubis season 2 you will know that Anubis mark is a curse and that you could die if you have it and they got the mark because the evil spirit lady (forgot her name) gave it to Nina,Nina was the first one then the gang just started helping Nina and the lady gave it to then too

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Q: How do you get the mark of Anubis?
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Is house of Anubis awesome?

House Of Anubis is awesome, if you like adventure-mystery. I absolutely love House of Anubis.

What is the best houses name in house of Anubis?

The House Of Anubis

What is the name of house of Anubis theme song?

the house of Anubis theme song name is : the house of Anubis theme song

Do people in India worship Anubis?

No: Anubis is a ancient Egyptian god.

What website can you play house of Anubis the song of dreams?

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Is the marck of Anubis real?

No the "mark" or "mask" of Anubis is not real, it is created by the writers of the TV show "House of Anubis".

What does the mark of Anubis mean?

It is mark given to sibuna gang by the evil spirit and they have to find mask of anubis or Nina forfeits her life .

Is the mark of Anubis real?

i think its real

Who all gets the mark of Anubis in house of Anubis season 2?

Fabian gets it? From the ghost thing

Who is Sankara from house of Anubis?

She is an Egyptian god. In season 2 on the first episode Nina had a dream about the cup and Sankara cursed her with the Anubis mark. She had to find the Mask of Anubis in a certain amount of days or she, Fabian, Amber, Alfie and Patricia would die.

How do you draw the mark of Anubis?

To draw the mark of Anubis, start by drawing an upright triangle with a rounded top. Inside the triangle, draw two horizontal lines in parallel toward the base. Finally, connect the ends of these lines with diagonal lines, creating a distinctive "M" shape within the triangle. This symbol represents the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, associated with death and the afterlife.

Which Egyptian god was associated with the ritual of embalming?

Anubis in ancient Egypt

Can senhkara give you the mark of Anubis?

i think yes i mean it looks so real because i don't think somone drew it.

When will the Anubis come out?

'The Anubis' might refer to 'The Anubis Gates' (1983) a book or the TV series 'The House of Anubis'.

What is mask of Anubis?

Anubis is the Egyptian god of death, he had a head of the Jackel. The mask of Anubis is probably just that, a mask of Anubis!

Who did Anubis mariied?

The consort of Anubis was Anput.

Who is Anubis wife?

The consort of Anubis was Anput.