In the Generation V games (Black, White, et cetera) Flash is not an HM.
To find it (as TM70) go to Castelia City. down one of the streets (the narrow one with dumpsters) you will find a man behind a dumpster. talk to him to receive TM70 Flash.
There is no "HM" mean look.
He is in canalave city in the house right below the Pokemon centre
Just learn it the HM Cut
The house above the pokeshope in canalav city
1. Check if you already imported Pokemon and have to get them. 2. Check if Pokemon ruby is working. 3. If the Pokemon you are trying to get to platinum knows an HM, make the Pokemon forget it at the move deleter.
In Pokemon Platinum, Flash is a TM.
its not an HM anymore you have to find it.
The HM Whirlpool is not obtainable in Pokemon Platinum, for there is no use for it during gameplay.
Dig is not a HM in Pokemon Platinum but a TM, it can be found in the ruin maniacs cave.
Flash lost its HM status and became TM70 in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
in a Pokemon center
Select the Hm hit use and select Pokemon
HM 05 is flash
you can get it in pokemon platinum!
Look at "How do you get hm flash in blue?" On this site.
on Pokemon yellow on Pokemon yellow
Surf is HM #3. :-)