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It is a secret only known to The Royal Order of Water baffalo members.

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Q: How do you do the secret handshake from Fred Flintsones Water buffalo's?
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Do brown bears eat water buffalos?

No. Brown bears live in different continents and habitats than water buffalos.

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Where do buffalos find water?

In rivers

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Was bowling the only thing that Fred did in the Flintstones?

I think he also golfed and of course he was a member of the Water Buffalo's Lodge, complete with goofy hat and secret handshake.

Are there buffalos in Minnesota?

There are water buffalo in India.

What were the impacts of the Great War?

Nuclear muffins and water buffalos

Do sun bears eat water buffalos?

Only if the water buffalo is already dead. Otherwise, no.

What are the water buffaloes enemies?

Tigers and Komodo dragons are common enemies.

What are stubborn animals?

a mule By Komail

What are a lion eating habits?

Lions usually eat Gazelles, zebras, giraffes, wildebeests, and sometimes, even hyppos, water buffalos and Cape buffalos. They prefer large preys.a lion eats meat that contains of zebra's ,buffalo etc

Are water buffalos mammals or reptiles?

All buffaloes are mammals. They give birth to live young and are fiercely protective of them.