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Know what needs to be done. Align every action towards your purpose and provide yourself with the right area to do it in. Sheldon Cooper is surrounded by everything that feeds his addiction.

His daily routine encourages his purpose,like eating healthy, having specific times of entertainment, and set times to sleep.

If you want to be a book worm. Strip down everything that interferes with that goal, then set up everything that encourages it.

Reduce or cut out things like the amount of social interaction and entertainment time. Sheldon tends to interact when he is eating, partaking in a scheduled event, and when disturbed from his work( which he hardly breaks concentration and when he does its short and to the point).

Know yourself. Sheldon has his bodly fluids mastered, which allows for an efficent day. He knows the consequences of not following through with his routine, such as staying up to late,or not doing laundry on laundry day may increase the habit of lazieness.

Don't feed in to any other addictions. Sheldon catches an episode of Dr. Who everday at a specific time. He doesn't go over board. Once your done, your done.

It was fun ranting and speculating for awhile.

1) Purpose

2) Rid of distractions

3) Know the consequences of every new habit(Benifits/ harm of not doing them)

4) MAintain your new life style for 30 days straight

Good Luck

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