For the White Mountain Apache: ashoog is an informal thanks. A- key-yeh is the proper way of saying thank you.
For Western Apache: Ashagoteh (ash-eh-go-the) is the informal way of saying Thank you; but this only applies when you are thanking someone for something where a proper thanks doesn't suffice. In Western Apache, you always thank with the formal when dealing with a parent or an elder, or when something important or crucial had been done. The formal is Ahee-ih-yeh. (e.g. you would use Ashagoteh when your friend handed you a candy bar; but you would use Aheeiyeh when your church pastor handed you a bible, because he is a figure of authority. You would use Aheeiyeh if you were saved from drowning, or when someone built you a house, or when a doctor tells you that you need to take three pills a day, again figure of authority. But you would use Ashagoteh, if your roomate hands you the pills in the morning and sais "You need to take these." Amongst some youth [the one's that speak this language] this word is shortened to Asho.) {exception to the rule: culturally speaking one exception to the rule often persists, Aheeiyeh is often used when someone receives food... so the above anaology of the candy bar could be a place where Aheeiyeh was used, however if it had been a comic strip instead of a candy bar Ashagoteh would have been the proper word.} {Proper pronunciation aw-sh-eh goh-the, or aw-sh-oh goh-the; ah-hee-ih-yeh, or less often Ah-(hiccup hee) ih-yeh.}
In Apache language, to say "thank you," you would use the phrase "ahΓ©hee." This term is commonly used in various Apache dialects, including Western Apache, Chiricahua Apache, and Mescalero Apache. It is important to note that Apache is a complex language with multiple dialects, each with its own unique nuances and variations in pronunciation and vocabulary.
There are two ways to say thank you in Apache. The formal way is "Aheeiyeh." The casual way is "Ashagoteh."
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Apache is not the name of a language but a wide range of related languages. One Apache word for thunder is idandi; in Jicarilla Apache it is idihlni; in Navajo it is ini.
Western Apache: " ch'il dénzhónéhi ", which means beautiful plants (flowers).
How do you say perfect in apache
What is the Apache Indian translation for greetings?
"Niawen" is how you say "thank you" in Cayuga language.
In the Pueblo language, you can say thank you by saying "ahΓ©hee."
In Choctaw language, you can say "Yakoke" to say thank you for the gift.
in which apache language? I know it in Navajo and it's called hashké or naabaahíí "the one who goes to war"
In Apache, you can say "Ya'Γ‘t'ééh abinΓ" to greet someone in the morning, which means "good morning."