spear is thrown from kayak and the hunter holds the rope attached to the spear
"What is the name of a Inuit snow house?" The Inuit word for an Inuit snow house is Igluvigak.
The Inuit did not get wood.
The Inuits do kill walruses because they sometimes use there skin for clothes.
The Inuit are not Indians and the Inuit have many different languages. It's like asking someone what did Europeans speak?
yes they use spears for hunting and for catching animals for their tribe Inuits were really sneaky when it came to catching food.
The unaq and inaq.
The unaq and inaq.
the Inuit people used a weapon called the unaq which (was basically a harpoon) to hunt the seal's and whales
They use guns.
Goosfraba is word that Inuit use to calm down their children. Also a word Inuit use when they're having sex.
its a tool used to pull animals from the water it has a sharp hook on the end of its handle. The hook was used to pull harpooned animals out of the water.
The Inuit tribe travel by foot, kayak, and dogsled.
they use it for farming.
The Inuits use Inuit medicine. This is reatrted
The noun Inuit is well used in France. The noun Esquimau (sometimes spelled Esquimo) was also in use, but Inuit seems to be more used nowadays.