They both developed highly effective techniques of water conservation, irrigation, and dry land farming. they also traded widely with people in Mexico, the southwest, and California.
desert farming
The Pueblo Indians are not thought to be related to the Hohokam just the Anasazi, Sinagua and Mogollon. The modern Pueblo dry land farm like the Anasazi especially in the western Pueblos. They grow the same crops but added ones that were brought by the Spanish like peaches and melons. In the eastern Pueblos they irrigated their farms which is similar to the Hohokam but not the same and not not thought to be related. They have the same housing patterns, the same pottery styles, the same weaving of cotton. The kachina cult is thought to have started among the Anasazi at the end of their time and continues among the Pueblo.
The desert is the environment. It does not adapt. Organisms in an ecosystem adapt to the environment.
no adapt is getting used to an environment evolve is what Pokemon do.
North Africa is a continental region. Continents and continental regions are inanimate objects and can not "adapt" anything.
They developed highly effective techniques of water conservation and dry land farming, if this doesnt work try Yahoo! XD
They developed highly effective techniques of water conservation and dry land farming, if this doesnt work try Yahoo! XD
They Were Farmaz ... :P
The farmed like both the hohokam and the anasazi so that's how they were alike
desert farming
the Hohokam culture didn't know how to make adobe until the Anasaz culture taught them
the Navajo,Hohokam,Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi),and the Hopi
The Hohokam's belifs were that they belived in gods as well as the Anasazi's tribe. They belived in the Rain, Sun, and Cloud gods.HAHAHA I JUST GAVE YOU HALF OF THE CORRECT ANSWER!! ( THE CORRECT PART IS THE GOD. ) ( SUN, AND RAIN ONLY AND THE ANASAZI PART IS WRONG AND CORRECT !! ) BWHAHAHAHA- shelbyy s
The Pueblo Indians are not thought to be related to the Hohokam just the Anasazi, Sinagua and Mogollon. The modern Pueblo dry land farm like the Anasazi especially in the western Pueblos. They grow the same crops but added ones that were brought by the Spanish like peaches and melons. In the eastern Pueblos they irrigated their farms which is similar to the Hohokam but not the same and not not thought to be related. They have the same housing patterns, the same pottery styles, the same weaving of cotton. The kachina cult is thought to have started among the Anasazi at the end of their time and continues among the Pueblo.
They used structures of stone or adobe bricks. Also created beautiful pottery jewelry and elaborate baskets they also used fire to communicate over long distances
The Hohokam and Anasazi built their civilizations in southwestern North America