They meet at the back of the ship. Jack was looking at the stars then next you knew it here comes rose crying and trying to kill herself by going to jump off the ship but jack stoped her and saved her from falling over board.
They met on the ship Titanic of corse! Jack and Rose met when Rose is planning to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the Titanic. Jack convices her not to and then they began to talk
kate winslet.
Both Jack and Rose were fictional characters created for the film Titanic, and did not actually exist.
yes there where a rose and jack on Titanic
The film Titanic is fictional but based on fact.
Jack and Rose are fictional characters from the film "Titanic" (1997).
They met on the ship Titanic of corse! Jack and Rose met when Rose is planning to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the Titanic. Jack convices her not to and then they began to talk
kate winslet.
Both Jack and Rose were fictional characters created for the film Titanic, and did not actually exist.
yes there where a rose and jack on Titanic
nothign but the heart necklace MY NAME IS CARTER EXPERT OF TITANIC
jack and rose were not on the real titanic.
The film Titanic is fictional but based on fact.
who play cal in titanic and is he married rose and when did rose meet jack and are they going to go out
Jack and Rose met when Rose is planning to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the Titanic (because she did not want to marry her fiance). Jack convices her not to and then they began to talk
Jack and Rose were just made up for the film. And after 2009, there are no more living Titanic survivors
Yes, there is a novelization of the movie "Titanic" that expands on the story of Jack and Rose. It provides additional context and details not included in the film.