Because Dodong also experience that decision when he was young to get married with Teang.
Dodong and Teang wanted to marry each other at a very young age. When dodong asked his father for permission, he was granted one. However, both of them faced various hardships and often regretted their decision to marry at such a young age.
his father was sorry for Dodong's decision to marry Teang because he already knows how's life after marrying so early. He doesn't want his son to suffer like him...
its when dodong wanted to marry teang at the age of 17 ..
WikiAnswers is not a free service for writing critiques, essays, discussion papers, reports and summaries, or homework. This is considered cheating.We WILL help you learn how to write a good paragraph.Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic?
The introduction of the story entitled Footnote to Youth, written by Jose Garcia, states that a seventeen year old boy named Dodong wanted to marry Teang. He asked his father's permission but was not allowed to.
Dodong's father- who gave him the permission to get married at an early age Dodong- an 17-year old who have an uneasy life because of an early marriage Dodong's son, Blas - the oldest son of Dodong and Teang who followed the footsteps, he also marry his girlfriend Tona at an early age(18 yrs old)
Dodong and Teang wanted to marry each other at a very young age. When dodong asked his father for permission, he was granted one. However, both of them faced various hardships and often regretted their decision to marry at such a young age.
his father was sorry for Dodong's decision to marry Teang because he already knows how's life after marrying so early. He doesn't want his son to suffer like him...
its when dodong wanted to marry teang at the age of 17 ..
WikiAnswers is not a free service for writing critiques, essays, discussion papers, reports and summaries, or homework. This is considered cheating.We WILL help you learn how to write a good paragraph.Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic?
The introduction of the story entitled Footnote to Youth, written by Jose Garcia, states that a seventeen year old boy named Dodong wanted to marry Teang. He asked his father's permission but was not allowed to.
Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his father's permission. Thinking that since they are young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave birth to a child named Blas. For six consecutive years, a new child came along. Teang did not complain even thought she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even wondered if she would have the same life if Lucio, her other suitor who was nine years older than Dodong, was the one she married. Lucio has had no children since the time he married. When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like they were fifty.When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona. Dodong did not object, but tried to make Blas think twice before rushing to marriage - because Dodong doesn't want Blas to end up like him.
Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his father's permission. Thinking that since they are young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave birth to a child named Blas. For six consecutive years, a new child came along. Teang did not complain even thought she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even wondered if she would have the same life if Lucio, her other suitor who was nine years older than Dodong, was the one she married. Lucio has had no children since the time he married. When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like they were fifty.When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona. Dodong did not object, but tried to make Blas think twice before rushing to marriage - because Dodong doesn't want Blas to end up like him.
Because Dodong also experience that decision when he was young to get married with Teang.
The plot of The Footnote to Youth is that of 17-year old Dudong and his love for Teang. He wants to marry her, and impatiently waits for his father to get home so he can tell him the wonderful news. His father questions this because Dudong is so young. Dudong resents his fathers question, but in the end, his father relents and gives his blessing.
Footnote is like a foot and a note hahaha just kidding footnote is like a flower because other flowers are to young or to fresh to pick just like us youth we want an early marriage but we can't still find jobs to have a big salary..more especially if you ar under grad.thats all and Thank you
Summary: Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his father's permission. Thinking that since they are young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave birth to a child named Blas. For six consecutive years, a new child came along. Teang did not complain even thought she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even wondered if she would have the same life if Lucio, her other suitor who was nine years older than Dodong, was the one she married. Lucio has had no children since the time he married. When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like they were fifty. When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona. Dodong did not object, but tried to make Blas think twice before rushing to marriage - because Dodong doesn't want Blas to end up like him.